Ancient civilizations gave a lot of importance to moles, birthmark, congenital scars, facial and hand lines. Nowadays, looking at the hand lines and telling the future, still maintains its popularity. Facial lines like hand lines, birthmarks, moles and scars which occurred while being born had a meaning. During Ancient civilization times, some individuals who looked at moles on the body, hand and facial lines, and scars which occurred while being born, analyzed the character and made predictions about the future. They knew the planets and the constellations as stars. Each star carried secrets about its nature. These people from ancient civilizations believed that the birth scars, birthmarks and moles on the body were a sign of the stars. When you were born if you had a mole on your shoulders, arms, neck, or back of the neck or a little down, that meant you are under the influence of planet Mercury. Mercury has given you its sign. You like visiting your family reading and writing. Having books in your home and in your office makes you happy. If there is such a possibility, a corner of your house is decorated with books, devoted into a study corner. Your biggest joy is reading and writing. As you use the right hand, you can also use the left hand. Your hands are very resourceful. You have great skills in crafts, arts, handicrafts. Your intelligence is very strong. At the same time you can graduate from two education institutes. You can easily complete two different higher educations. You can handle two jobs at a time. You are advanced in language skills. With your smart style of speech you affect everyone. The suitable occupations for you are; teachers, lawyers, politics, writing, media-crafts and trades. If you choose one of these professions, you will have the material and moral happiness. You will research on information that you know and do not know because you are curious to learn. Your curiosity pushes you to explore issues you do not know and do not understand. By researching and wondering, you know the value of learning. You get along with your brothers and sisters, neighbours and relatives. You support the young people in your family. You both love and are loved. But sometimes this may not be the case. If the Moles, the mark of the stars are close to the shoulders; there will be envy and discord between the families. You may not get along with your neighbours. You may get distant with your relatives due to materiality. If you are into the Trade-dealing, you may have a ruthless argument with a brother. You experience problems in traffic due to being careless and absent-minded. Due to forgetfulness, you forget the promises you have given and this will put you in the position of a liar. Do not give promises you are unable to meet. If the marks of the stars, Moles are under the shoulders and slightly darker in colour, you will lie. Your lies are very ingenious and masterful that you yourself believe in the lies you say. You will get involved in neighbourhood fights. You will borrow money but not lend any money. Due to you not being able to decide in love relationships, you suffer the consequences of many breakups. If the signs of the stars the mole is slightly bigger, you will experience the emotions of wisdom in your heart and soul. The Love of God in you is very powerful. You like to give alms to help, and you like to show respect to your guests. You have a spiritual closeness and deep love for the prophets and saints. You feel that you are protected by a spiritual force. Your arms are prone to injury. You experience problems in later years because of neck pains. You may suffer from back pains. Due to slander you may be wrong and your reputation will be destroyed. But later your reputation and honour will have been restored more powerfully. If your mole is light-coloured it means that you have an innate artistic ability and a strong ability to listen. You are a person who does not forget what you heard and what you have learned. You are keen on the fine arts, reading, and writing. You can do two jobs and two arts at the same time. Your intelligence is Agile and quick witted. Your arms and hands are skillful. Your writing is different. Not everybody can read and understand your writing. You either write very well or you write in such a way that it cannot be read. Your inner world is also like this. You cannot explain your emotions the way you want to. Without being aware your feelings pour out of your soul. However much you would like to hide it you cannot. When it comes to love you are fickle, flirtatious and cool. From the people who come into your life you cannot decide on whom to choose. Your instability and your fondness of beauty may make you make the wrong choice. Mistakes and regrets show you the truth. If you can split up from a person you will leave. If you cannot separate from that person, you find yourself in another relationship. You can maintain the two relationships at the same time. With your mind and intelligence you can handle both relationships. The ancient Turks and Arabs knew the name of the star of Mercury as the wishing star. The Wishing star was seen in June and September. Former Turks and Arabs expressed their wishes by looking at the wishing star. Whatever they had wished for their wishes would come true. To show their contentedness to the wishing star, they would name their newborns Dilek (which means wish in Turkish and Arabic) or a name with the meaning of a wish. For those people the wishing star meant; luck, happiness, good news, friendships and knowledge. The Muslim astronomers knew it as the star of Utarit. The mole as a sign of the Utarit star (Mercury) is seen between the shoulder, the neck and the neck ridge. This mole can sometimes be light coloured and sometimes dark coloured. It can be in different forms and different sizes. The people strongly influenced by this star have support and friendship from government officials. If the star is harshly effective this means that there is hardship experienced by the government. The bearers of the sign of the Utarit (Mercury) star should make their wishes every Wednesday until 12 in the afternoon. They should do everything they want and have to do until 12 in the afternoon on Wednesday. When they are going to start a new job, they should start in the early hours of Wednesday. The bearers of the sign of Mercury should be cautious with their lungs, back, neck, hands and arms. They should protect themselves from wind weather.

Şifa Avcin
Academy of Astrology
Sosyal Medya Paylaşım Alanı
Eki 15 2015
Ancient civilizations gave a lot of importance to moles, birthmark, congenital scars, facial and hand lines. Nowadays, looking at the hand lines and telling the future, still maintains its popularity. Facial lines like hand lines, birthmarks, moles and scars which occurred while being born had a meaning. During Ancient civilization times, some individuals who looked at moles on the body, hand and facial lines, and scars which occurred while being born, analyzed the character and made predictions about the future. They knew the planets and the constellations as stars. Each star carried secrets about its nature. These people from ancient civilizations believed that the birth scars, birthmarks and moles on the body were a sign of the stars. When you were born if you had a mole on your shoulders, arms, neck, or back of the neck or a little down, that meant you are under the influence of planet Mercury. Mercury has given you its sign. You like visiting your family reading and writing. Having books in your home and in your office makes you happy. If there is such a possibility, a corner of your house is decorated with books, devoted into a study corner. Your biggest joy is reading and writing. As you use the right hand, you can also use the left hand. Your hands are very resourceful. You have great skills in crafts, arts, handicrafts. Your intelligence is very strong. At the same time you can graduate from two education institutes. You can easily complete two different higher educations. You can handle two jobs at a time. You are advanced in language skills. With your smart style of speech you affect everyone. The suitable occupations for you are; teachers, lawyers, politics, writing, media-crafts and trades. If you choose one of these professions, you will have the material and moral happiness. You will research on information that you know and do not know because you are curious to learn. Your curiosity pushes you to explore issues you do not know and do not understand. By researching and wondering, you know the value of learning. You get along with your brothers and sisters, neighbours and relatives. You support the young people in your family. You both love and are loved. But sometimes this may not be the case. If the Moles, the mark of the stars are close to the shoulders; there will be envy and discord between the families. You may not get along with your neighbours. You may get distant with your relatives due to materiality. If you are into the Trade-dealing, you may have a ruthless argument with a brother. You experience problems in traffic due to being careless and absent-minded. Due to forgetfulness, you forget the promises you have given and this will put you in the position of a liar. Do not give promises you are unable to meet. If the marks of the stars, Moles are under the shoulders and slightly darker in colour, you will lie. Your lies are very ingenious and masterful that you yourself believe in the lies you say. You will get involved in neighbourhood fights. You will borrow money but not lend any money. Due to you not being able to decide in love relationships, you suffer the consequences of many breakups. If the signs of the stars the mole is slightly bigger, you will experience the emotions of wisdom in your heart and soul. The Love of God in you is very powerful. You like to give alms to help, and you like to show respect to your guests. You have a spiritual closeness and deep love for the prophets and saints. You feel that you are protected by a spiritual force. Your arms are prone to injury. You experience problems in later years because of neck pains. You may suffer from back pains. Due to slander you may be wrong and your reputation will be destroyed. But later your reputation and honour will have been restored more powerfully. If your mole is light-coloured it means that you have an innate artistic ability and a strong ability to listen. You are a person who does not forget what you heard and what you have learned. You are keen on the fine arts, reading, and writing. You can do two jobs and two arts at the same time. Your intelligence is Agile and quick witted. Your arms and hands are skillful. Your writing is different. Not everybody can read and understand your writing. You either write very well or you write in such a way that it cannot be read. Your inner world is also like this. You cannot explain your emotions the way you want to. Without being aware your feelings pour out of your soul. However much you would like to hide it you cannot. When it comes to love you are fickle, flirtatious and cool. From the people who come into your life you cannot decide on whom to choose. Your instability and your fondness of beauty may make you make the wrong choice. Mistakes and regrets show you the truth. If you can split up from a person you will leave. If you cannot separate from that person, you find yourself in another relationship. You can maintain the two relationships at the same time. With your mind and intelligence you can handle both relationships. The ancient Turks and Arabs knew the name of the star of Mercury as the wishing star. The Wishing star was seen in June and September. Former Turks and Arabs expressed their wishes by looking at the wishing star. Whatever they had wished for their wishes would come true. To show their contentedness to the wishing star, they would name their newborns Dilek (which means wish in Turkish and Arabic) or a name with the meaning of a wish. For those people the wishing star meant; luck, happiness, good news, friendships and knowledge. The Muslim astronomers knew it as the star of Utarit. The mole as a sign of the Utarit star (Mercury) is seen between the shoulder, the neck and the neck ridge. This mole can sometimes be light coloured and sometimes dark coloured. It can be in different forms and different sizes. The people strongly influenced by this star have support and friendship from government officials. If the star is harshly effective this means that there is hardship experienced by the government. The bearers of the sign of the Utarit (Mercury) star should make their wishes every Wednesday until 12 in the afternoon. They should do everything they want and have to do until 12 in the afternoon on Wednesday. When they are going to start a new job, they should start in the early hours of Wednesday. The bearers of the sign of Mercury should be cautious with their lungs, back, neck, hands and arms. They should protect themselves from wind weather.
Şifa Avcin
Academy of Astrology